Merry Christmas

December 26, 2022 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Holiday greetings to everyone and wishing you the joy and peace that the season brings! Inner Force Centers will be closed on Monday, December 26th, and reopen on Tuesday, December 27th to observe Christmas Day.

#innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter

Staff Professional Development

December 23, 2022 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Our centers will be closed for Staff Development Day on Friday, December 23rd, 2022. We will reopen on Tuesday, December 27th, 2022.

innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter

Ugly Sweater Day

December 22, 2022 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Celebrate Ugly Sweaters Day with our classmates on Thursday, December 22, 2022, as we show off our Ugliest Sweaters!

innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter

Picture Day at Inner Force Tots

December 5, 2022 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Are you proud of your children, so are we! Capture some precious memories with our “Picture Day Package” from Inner Force Centers! On December 5th, 2022, we’ll be taking pictures at Inner Force Tots, so dress your best and contact your child’s classroom for payment arrangements and more Information. Picture forms are available in your child (ren) class. All Monies are Due No Later than November 28th, 2022.