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November 27, 2023 @ 8:00 am December 1, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

📚📆 Mark your calendars! PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES are just around the corner, running from Monday, November 27th to Friday, December 1st, 2023, at all of our centers. Connect with your child’s teacher to find the perfect date and time to meet. Let’s make it a productive and informative week! 🤝👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 #ParentTeacherConference #EducationMatters #SaveTheDat

InnerForceTots #Respect #Unity #History #InnerForceTots #WelcomeBack #DaycareDreams #innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenters