Picture Day at Inner Force Tots
Capture some precious memories with our "Picture Day Package" from Inner Force Centers! On December 5th, 2022
Ugly Sweater Day
Celebrate Ugly Sweaters Day with our classmates on Thursday, December 22, 2022, as we show off our Ugliest Sweaters! innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter
Staff Professional Development
Our centers will be closed for Staff Development Day on Friday, December 23rd, 2022. We will reopen on Tuesday, December 27th, 2022. innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter
Merry Christmas
Holiday greetings to everyone and wishing you the joy and peace that the season brings! Inner Force Centers will be closed on Monday, December 26th, and reopen on Tuesday, December 27th to observe Christmas Day. #innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare …
Pajama Day
It is Pajama Day at Inner Force Centers, January 12th,2023, Parents please make sure the pajamas fit appropriately for movement and activity at school. If your child does not have "pajamas" sweats or other comfortable school-appropriate clothing is just fine! kids get ready to have FUN!
Staff Professional Development Day
Our centers will be closed for Staff Development Day, Friday, January 13th, 2023. We will reopen after the Holiday on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
"MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. Day" at Inner Force Centers, we will be celebrating his life. Our centers will be closed on Monday, January 16th, and reopen on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023.
PRE-K for All Program
"Join Inner Force Tots PRE-K FOR ALL Program! Our program caters to children ages three to four, providing supportive care and promoting motor skills through physical activities and quality education. Don't miss out on this opportunity - apply by March 10th and receive an offer in May!"
3-K FOR ALL Program!
"Join Inner Force Tots 3-K FOR ALL Program! Our program caters to children ages three to four, providing supportive care and promoting motor skills through physical activities and quality education. Don't miss out on this opportunity - apply by March 10th and receive an offer in May!"
President’s Day
President's Day is Monday, February 20th, 2023, All our centers will be closed in celebration.
Picture Day
We share in your pride for your children and invite you to create lasting memories with our "Picture Day Package" at Inner Force Centers. On April 17th, 2023, we will be conducting photo shoots at Inner Force Kids. Dress your children in their best attire and reach out to their classroom for payment options and …
Mother’s Day
On this Mother's Day, we want to express our appreciation for the incredible role that mothers play in holding families together